Conflict Resolution
Part One


Slide Show Presentation
Genuine vs Counterfeit Character Strengths is a Paradigm Change that Challenges Everything You Thought You Knew About Character -- Which One's Do You Have?

Automated Relationship
& Character Coaching

Chapter 1
Do You Want To Fight?

Chapter 2
Diamonds ...or Rocks?

Chapter 3
A Little Out Of Balance
(Character Symmetry)

Chapter 4

Chapter 5
Wet Sand Bricks
& Blindfolds
(What Is character?)

Chapter 6
The World's Greatest Battle!
(Part One)

Chapter 7
The World's Greatest Battle!
(Part Two)

Chapter 8

Chapter 9
GALADOXA 102 The Basics
(A mini-course)

Chapter 10
Before You
Accuse Me!

Chapter 11
Titanic Failure
(It Could Never Happen To Me!)

Part One



Read GALADOXA in PDFClick Here

Introduction to GALADOXA
Automated Relationship and Character Coaching Tool

  • GALADOXA has no equal in Character Coaching and Assessment. Why is that? Because we go way past simple Character Strength Identification into the world of Character Strength Misuse and the diagnosis of key areas of your character that produce your greatest success as well as your worst conflicts.
    • It is Relationship and Character Coaching for all people;
    • It is for every occupation;
    • It is for every lifestyle;
    • It is for every belief system;
    • It is for singles and couples.
    • It is for the married and the unmarried;
    • It is for the young and for the old;
    • It is for the young & inexperienced;
    • It is for the old & wise.

  • Solving Conflicts is about the solving of conflicts...but so much more!

  • It is a fresh new look at relationships, character, and conflict resolution.

  • It is education to learn how to spot character traits in others.

  • It is Automated Relationship and Character Coaching made easy for all ages 16 and older.

  • It is for those who either want help or need help to focus on their own character growth.

GALADOXA is not just for you is about you!

Whether you are alone or part of a group or family,

GALADOXA is for you!

  • Solving Conflicts is the most realistic, down-to-earth, and basic first step of character education that you can take.

  • Whether your life is presently uneventful, calm, and controlled; or whether it is full of stress, trouble, and conflict, Solving Conflicts is the place for you.

  • It's a place for you to take a close look at your own self, to find out what is going on, and to find out what you can do about it.
    • Whether you live with a family or alone;
    • Whether you live in a monastery or a prison;
    • Whether you are rich or poor;
    • Whether you are happy or angry;
    • Whether you are wise or not so wise;
    • Whether you are liberal or conservative;
    • Whether you are starting your first step...
      • finishing your last step...
      • or stuck on your fourth step...
      • GALADOXA is the best next-step you can take!

Character Education is not just part of the issue of life;
It is the whole issue of life.

  • Character determines whether you are a success or a failure!

  • Character determines whether people love you, like you, or fear you.

  • Character determines whether you have true friends or true enemies.

  • Character determines if you are at peace with your own self and with other people.

On the day you die,
your character is the determining factor
of whether people are glad to see you go
or wish you could have stayed longer!

  • When it comes to your own character, it is the only thing in the entire world that you alone rule over ...your own self!

  • You are the king or the queen of your own character.

  • No one can steel your character, and no one else can control it ...only you can!

  • Your character is your self.

  • GALADOXA is practical Relationship and Character Coaching ... with a focus upon Conflict Resolution at its very best.
    • You will not simply learn about character.
    • You will learn specifically about your character!
    • You will take a clean-cut look at your own self!

GALADOXA is a state-of-the-art
Character Coaching Tool like no other!

Is this a Personality Test?
Is this a Character Test?

What Is It?
  • Make no mistake about it! Solving Conflicts is much more than a basic personality profile test.

  • A personality test is like a cruise ship. It tells you what the ship looks like; what the rooms look like; what the buffet table looks like; what the sun deck looks like, etc.

  • Solving Conflicts, on the other hand, is so much more!
  • It is like a cruise ship as well. Yet, we will not simply tell you what the ship looks like, we will tell you where the ship has been.
  • We will help you decide where the ship is going.
  • In essence, we will place you at the helm of your ship so you can choose to steer it in any direction that you choose... good choice at a time!

  • Is this a character test or a character profile test?

    The word test gives the wrong impression. You will not take a quiz with questions to test what you know about the topic of character.

  • GALADOXA is not a test of your knowledge to see if you remember the facts about character or the facts about conflict resolution.

  • All the assessment questions are clearly defined thought questions about your own self. You simply mark the answers on a scale of 1 through 10.

  • You will not need to know the meaning of words like obstreperousness and whether it describes you.

  • You will discover all of your character strengths not just your personality likes and dislikes, and you will see them as they relate to issues of conflict resolution!

  • We are pretty sure you already know your likes and dislikes. Most people know that by the time they are 13 years old.

  • This is a unique system of education; it is one-of-kind!

  • It is self-discovery, self-help, and self-education in its very best and most practical form.

  • Solving Conflicts will provide you with Character Profiles so you can see all your character strengths ...with easy look-up tools!

  • In your Personal Profile, you will clearly see the color-coded areas of your character that are trouble spots for you... those would be in the Red Zone.

  • You will have an in-depth look at each specific aspect of your character. We will tell you what it all means in real life.

  • You will find ample and clear words of wisdom and sound advice.

  • Solving Conflicts will help you better understand your own self (and the character of others family members, friends, co-workers.)

  • You will become more capable to identify potential conflicts, prevent conflicts, and solve conflicts.

  • You will learn to make better choices, one at a time, armed with the correct facts about your character strengths.

Diagnosis: Specialists

  • Solving Conflicts is similar to your first trip to the doctor.

  • You first go to a doctor to get a diagnosis.

  • Once you finish with your diagnosis, then you can look for the solutions.

  • Solving Conflicts Part Two will provide your own personal character diagnosis.

It is based on the facts -- just the basic facts!

  • The Solving Conflicts Diagnosis Tool is for the sole purpose of character self-assessment.

  • Some may refer to it befittingly as a fearless moral inventory ...the deluxe version!

  • Others will find it to be a breath of fresh air!

  • GALADOXA is not the end! It is just the beginning of your adventure. There are many other specialists that you can turn to for more information on a wide variety of issues.

  • Who are the specialists?

    • They are your School Counselors;
    • your Marriage Counselors;
    • your Family Counselors;
    • your Teachers;
    • your Educators;
    • your Pastors, etc.
    • They may be your mother or father,
    • a close relative,
    • or perhaps your very best friend!

  • There are books and magazines; classes and seminars to attend.

  • There are web sites to visit with material of all types for all ages, waiting to help you build a happy, successful, and content life good choice at time!

  • You can access some of them through our Specialist Links section.

  • By taking this first step at GALADOXA, you will unlock your true power of choice and your character potential.

  • The goal of GALADOXA is to empower you.

  • It is to help you shape, form, and mold your own character to the highest degree possible.

  • You are entitled to set your own destiny in terms of your character growth.

  • No one can stop you from making the right choices.

It does not matter who you are;
it does not matter what you have done right;
or what you have done wrong,
we are inviting you to step inside and explore what
Solving Conflicts has to offer.

Please note: Solving Conflicts does not diagnose your physical health; or your mental health; or your psychiatric health. If you feel that is what you need help with, consult your own Health Care Professional

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Conflict Resolution
Part Two

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GALADOXA: Character Education: Conflict Defined


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