Conflict Resolution
Part One


Slide Show Presentation
Genuine vs Counterfeit Character Strengths is a Paradigm Change that Challenges Everything You Thought You Knew About Character -- Which One's Do You Have?

Automated Relationship
& Character Coaching

Chapter 1
Do You Want To Fight?

Chapter 2
Diamonds ...or Rocks?

Chapter 3
A Little Out Of Balance
(Character Symmetry)

Chapter 4

Chapter 5
Wet Sand Bricks
& Blindfolds
(What Is character?)

Chapter 6
The World's Greatest Battle!
(Part One)

Chapter 7
The World's Greatest Battle!
(Part Two)

Chapter 8

Chapter 9
GALADOXA 102 The Basics
(A mini-course)

Chapter 10
Before You
Accuse Me!

Chapter 11
Titanic Failure
(It Could Never Happen To Me!)

Part One



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This system of education has been produced and authored based upon no known system or method advocated in any type of published work. However, the Solving Conflicts LLC educational system was inspired by a simple and undefined list of 42 character qualities and their corresponding misuses from a book titled "Institute in Basic Youth Conflict -- Research in Principles of Life" published in 1979 by the Institute in Basic Youth Conflict and authored by Bill Gothard. Concerning the above reference to the word "simple," "simple" is defined as only one list of 42 items with each of the 42 character qualities listed adjacent to their corresponding misuses. Concerning the above use of the word "undefined," "undefined" is defined as meaning that no single word on the list of qualities or misuses contained any definition, recommendation or advice; nor did it contain any method for interpretation or evaluation towards the goal of practical application in a person's life by the suggestion of any idea, procedure, process, system, method of operation, concept, principle, or discovery. "In no case does copyright protection for an original work of authorship extend to any idea, procedure, process, system, method of operation, concept, principle, or discovery, regardless of the form in which it is described, explained, illustrated, or embodied in such work." [US Code, Title 17, chapter 1, Sec. 102] While the GALADOXA LLC educational system was inspired by Bill Gothard's original list of observations concerning the 42 character qualities and their corresponding misuses; whereby Bill Gothard determined the correlation between the qualities and misuses; he did not attempt to make any definitions of those qualities or any definitions of their corresponding misuses; nor did he attempt to advocate the idea, procedure, process, system, method of operation, concept, principle, or discovery that is embodied in the Solving Conflicts LLC educational system which is intended to be a practical and cohesive explanation of the definitions of the said list with a view towards the practical verification, application, and/or implementation of the character qualities (both genuine and counterfeit) through personal verification, assessment, and education from the definitions of the said list. Therefore, no permission was necessary from the Institute of Basic Youth Conflict or from Bill Gothard for the use of any previously copyrighted material because no previously copyrighted material from their materials has been either quoted, reproduced, published or directly or indirectly referenced in the Solving Conflicts LLC educational system. Therefore, this material is not endorsed by or approved of by the Institute in Basic Youth Conflict, nor Bill Gothard, nor does Solving Conflicts LLC have the obligation to seek such approval or endorsement. GALADOXA LLC (as owners of this copyrighted material and trademark) have no affiliation with the Institute in Basic Youth Conflict, Bill Gothard, nor any of their associates, either directly or indirectly, and this copyrighted material is not intended to be received as either an endorsement or a denial of the validity of their educational system and published materials.

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Conflict Resolution
Part Two

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