Conflict Resolution
Part One


Slide Show Presentation
Genuine vs Counterfeit Character Strengths is a Paradigm Change that Challenges Everything You Thought You Knew About Character -- Which One's Do You Have?

Automated Relationship
& Character Coaching

Chapter 1
Do You Want To Fight?

Chapter 2
Diamonds ...or Rocks?

Chapter 3
A Little Out Of Balance
(Character Symmetry)

Chapter 4

Chapter 5
Wet Sand Bricks
& Blindfolds
(What Is character?)

Chapter 6
The World's Greatest Battle!
(Part One)

Chapter 7
The World's Greatest Battle!
(Part Two)

Chapter 8

Chapter 9
GALADOXA 102 The Basics
(A mini-course)

Chapter 10
Before You
Accuse Me!

Chapter 11
Titanic Failure
(It Could Never Happen To Me!)

Part One



Who's Who

John S Miller

John Miller

John S. Miller

John Miller; Character Coach; Founder of GALADOXA LLC; BS Psychology, 1987, Union College; author of the Solving Conflicts system of relationship and character coaching; and co-author of two books:

Pure Gold: Encouraging Character Qualities In Marriage, with Susanne M. Alexander, and Craig A. Farnsworth of

Can We Dance? Learning the Steps for a Fulfilling Relationship with Susanne M. Alexander.

John comes from among five successive generations negatively impacted by divorce, so he has had ample real life circumstances to observe the consequences of our character choices in personal relationships ... and how our personal relationships affect our character choices.

With an insatiable curiosity to examine one’s own personal power & responsibility in regard to character growth, John has spent 30 studying the dynamics of character empowerment. While formal education honed his writing, research, and intellectual abilities, John considers the best character education to be the real-life classroom combined with the quest for unmitigated truth.

In the quest to see both genuine and misused character strengths in definitive black and white, was born.  It is a comprehensive character assessment and fundamental mini-course in the ABCs of relationships & conflict.

John has recently produced the TV show Eden to Eden -- a total of 27 Episodes that featured topics such as Handling Adversity and how our spiritual life impacts our relationships, family, parenting, etc., with an emphasis on the basic steps one must take in his/her spiritual journey.

You may contact John through the Contact Us Page.

Conflict Resolution
Part Two

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GALADOXA: Character Education: Conflict Defined


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