Conflict Resolution
Part One


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Slide Show Presentation
Genuine vs Counterfeit Character Strengths is a Paradigm Change that Challenges Everything You Thought You Knew About Character -- Which One's Do You Have?

Automated Relationship
& Character Coaching

Chapter 1
Do You Want To Fight?

Chapter 2
Diamonds ...or Rocks?

Chapter 3
A Little Out Of Balance
(Character Symmetry)

Chapter 4

Chapter 5
Wet Sand Bricks
& Blindfolds
(What Is character?)

Chapter 6
The World's Greatest Battle!
(Part One)

Chapter 7
The World's Greatest Battle!
(Part Two)

Chapter 8

Chapter 9
GALADOXA 102 The Basics
(A mini-course)

Chapter 10
Before You
Accuse Me!

Chapter 11
Titanic Failure
(It Could Never Happen To Me!)

Part One



Read GALADOXA in PDF: Click Here
Read John Miller's Column at Click Here

Chapter Nine
The Basics of Genuine VS Counterfeit Qualities
(A mini-course!)

  1. First, think about the genuine trait of Honesty:
  • IF you score high on Honesty, that is a good thing.

  • IF you score low on Honesty, that could mean that you lack Honesty.

  • IF you lack in Honesty, you may have the opposite of that or Dishonesty.

You will be graded on 42 different genuine traits
to see if you have these
...or lack these traits.

  1. Second, you may be thinking that scoring high on a trait is always a good thing. You may be thinking that scoring low on a trait is always a bad thing. Neither is true in every case, as you will see:

  • Solving Conflicts does not only measure whether you have or lack a genuine trait.

  • The Solving Conflicts system is based upon the concept that we often misuse our genuine traits regardless of our scores on them.

  • When we misuse our genuine traits, they become counterfeit traits.

  • Each of the 42 genuine traits has an average of three counterfeit traits.

  • These occur when we misuse, over-use, improperly use, or ineffectively use the genuine traits.

If you ever forget what turns a genuine trait into a counterfeit trait, remember these two rules:

Rule #1: Counterfeit traits always cause harm, injury, or insult to others and conflict will be the result.

Rule #2: (See rule #1)

Example A: When we misuse Honesty to a fault, it does not become Dishonesty.

When Honesty is used to a fault, people get hurt. Honesty, when used to a fault, turns into Outspokenness, Bluntness, Brutality, or Indiscretion. Do not worry; the meanings will become clear as you continue.

Example B: When you use Fair-mindedness to a fault, it does not become Unfair-mindedness.

When fair-mindedness is used to a fault, people get hurt. Fair-mindedness, when used to a fault, turns into Indecisive, Indiscriminate, and Undiscerning. Again, do not worry! The words and the meanings will become clear as you continue.  Each will be explained in detail.

All 42 genuine traits can be misused to a fault.

GALADOXA will measure you for genuine traits that you misuse as counterfeit traits.

Please Note: If all of this seems a bit unclear to you right now, please, do not be too concerned about it. Little by little, it will all become crystal clear to you as you continue.

Why is it a good thing to measure for counterfeit traits?

Well, sad as it is, most people lean towards the misuse of their genuine traits at least part of time. Often, we do not even know what genuine traits we have. Most people would not have even a clue which of their genuine traits they are misusing. We cannot change or improve what we do not understand. Solving Conflicts will make it easy for you to see your genuine and counterfeit traits.

So then, measuring your traits in this way will reveal to you two very important things:

  1. You will see what genuine traits you have (and whether you lack in them.)

  2. You will also see what genuine traits you are misusing as counterfeit traits.

What can you gain from seeing your counterfeit trait scores in comparison to your genuine trait scores? Consider this example:

Example: Joe learned this about Courage as it related to him:

He found out that his score for Courage was only 60. That is low. The highest score possible would have been 100. As he continued looking at his scores, he saw something that got his attention. He saw that he scored unusually high in counterfeit Courage. His scores for counterfeit Courage were:

  • Recklessness he scored 90

  • Brashness he scored 70

  • Brazenness he scored 100

As Joe read the Character Profiles in Part Two, he could see his own self clearly. He could see how his high scores for counterfeit Courage had caused big problems for him in his life. However, in the past he did not understand what caused some of his troubles. Finally, it was all starting to make sense to him.

However, one thing was really puzzling Joe. Although Joe scored low on the genuine use of Courage, he scored very high on the counterfeit use of Courage. Joe had never seen himself as a man of Courage. The high scores for counterfeit Courage told Joe that he had good potential to learn how to use genuine Courage. Joe found out that he possessed a great deal of Courage that he could use in a proper way.

The bad news was this: All through his life, Joe had been misusing the abundant genuine Courage that he never new he had!

It was great news for Joe to learn how to use true Courage. It helped him to avoid some of his bad troubles that had become so familiar. His family and friends were happy to see the positive change as well.

In addition, the GALADOXA system will help you to help other willing people. You will learn how to identify their character strengths and share it with them in a positive manner.

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Conflict Resolution
Part Two

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